About the designer

About the designer

Hey, I'm Meg, the face behind the brand!

I was always very specific with my wardrobe as a child, it had to be bright, colourful, oversized and bonus points if it was pink and sparkly as well! Most of my outfits were a mishmash of whatever was pinkest or sparkliest, and that's carried on through to my adulthood. As I've grown older, my sense of style hasn't really changed in the slightest - however I've grown a bit! By Meg Hurst is an inclusive brand hoping to allow those who still prefer the kids section to live their kid core dreams in, however still bringing in a sense of maturity.

Shop your dream wardrobe here

Accessible/adaptive clothing

All of our items can be altered to be accessible for all medical needs (e.g. surgical feeding tubes, SPC tubes, etc.). Don't hesitate to get in contact with us to discuss your requirements and we will do our best to accommodate this for you.

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